While the weather the past few days has been cold, the 3-month seasonal climate outlook for Northeast Florida will include below normal rain, and above normal temperatures. If the spring becomes hotter and drier than normal, our landscape may need supplemental irrigation. for more information check out the Climate Prediction Center.
January is an interesting month in North Florida if you are into gardening and nature. The temperatures fluctuate wildly, yet all my azaleas are in full bloom along with the camellias. Aside from the flowers in bloom, a favorite gardening activity in January in North Florida has become backyard bird watching. Read More for information on attracting birds to the garden.
While National Arbor Day is always in April, many Floridians do not know that Florida’s Arbor Day is the third Friday in January. In 2025 that date is Friday, January 17th.? This early date is perfect for planting trees in our area. The trees have time to start establishing themselves before the typical dry spring months of March, April, and May. Read on to hear about the things that trees provide for us.
Starting a community garden or taking over the reins of an existing one is no easy task. But if you live in Duval County, Florida, and you would like some help figuring out how to go about it, Read here for information on our second Community Garden Leader Class.